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SoCo Strategies has won multiple Reed Awards over the past two election cycles and in 2022 alone our team knocked on over a half million doors and collected over 100,000 live surveys in the field. We do races and campaigns from start to finish but we also do everything in between. Contact us if you need help with mail, phones, or scaling the digital age. Below are just some of the services offer to campaigns as a vendor.

What can we help you with today?



social media 


print &
direct mail





Reformation Strategies has worked on over 100 winning campaigns across the country either as a consultant, campaign manager, or vendor.

Our secret to winning is being selective. We never take on a campaign we don't think can win, and we limit the number of campaigns we run each cycle so we can ensure our candidates have our full attention in addition to the resources they need to win.

We're happy to talk to you over the phone, buy you lunch in person, or sit down at the office to get to know you and find out if we're the right fit for you. 


Senator Ted Cruz
Senators McCain and Lieberman
Herman Cain
Mitt Romney
John Kasich
Governor Linda Lingle
Campaign Management
Mail Boxes


Reformation Strategies knows that while direct mail might seem like a dinosaur to some, it's also part of a winning campaign, because it's popular with the most reliable voter demographics. 


Reformation Strategies has won multiple Reed awards for our Direct Mail campaigns and can handle your direct campaign mail from start to finish including design, print, and mail. We also produce campaign palm cards, rack cards, newspaper campaign ads, campaign business cards, campaign event flyers, and more.


Let Reformation Strategies help your direct mail stand out, let you know who to target, and help grow your campaign win. 

Print and Mail


Digital Marketing and Online Advertising can be a complex task but Reformation Strategies is here to help.


When some consultants say digital advertising, they just mean Facebook. However, a true digital marketing campaign should not only place your ads on social media, but on other platforms as well.


Reformation Strategies can get you on the right social media platforms, make sure your banner ads are displayed on traditional websites, and get your videos seen through OTT advertising in platforms like Hulu, YouTube, and more. 

 Digital Gadgets
Travel Apps


Every brand needs an effective social media strategy to help stand out in a sea of digital options. Reformation Strategies can help bring you navigate the social media marketplace and optimize your current social media strategy.


The goal of social media is not just to increase your following, but to create more engagement. If your voters aren't interacting or showing any engagement, the size doesn't matter.


Let Reformation Strategies help develop your social media strategy that not only increases your following but also engagement. We offer full service social media management from start to finish and are waiting for your call today.

Social Medi


Reformation Strategies designs and develops websites for our own clients along with a host of other campaigns. 


Our goal is to give you a clean campaign look but to also help you track who is visiting your site, how long they spend there, and where they came from.


Reformation Strategies wants to make sure you are at the top of the search results by helping with Search Engine Optimization, digital advertising, and browser search results.



Travel Apps
Assemblywoman Jill Dickman
Nevada Assemblyman Rich DeLong
Victoria Seaman
Danielle Gallant
Assemblyman PK O'Neill
ARC Nevada
Web Design
Stock Market Data


Collecting Data is one thing, knowing how to use it is another. You have customers, but do you know who they are?


Reformation Strategies is here to set up a databasing system for you or improve your current database and make it more user friendly and effective.


Reformation Strategies uses effective microtargeting strategy to target likely voters and integrate them into your current campaign platform. 



We offer every form of campaign calling you can imagine.


Reformation Strategies can provide your campaign with physical phone units, app based volunteer campaign calling, auto dials, and live calls via our call centers.


Reformation Strategies also offers Town Halls over the Phone, Full Service Two Way Text Messaging Service, and Campaign Office Phones.

Cameraman with Movie Camera


Every campaign needs quality visual production and Reformation Strategies is here to help you get it.


Reformation Strategies can help you with video shorts, campaign commercials, promotional materials, campaign shorts, and campaign videos.


Websites see visitors stay twice as long when a campaign provides quality video content. Reformation Strategies is here to help you craft the right content with the perfect, professional look and feel.



Reformation Strategies has knocked on well over a million doors and collected hundreds of thousands of live voter surveys in the field.


When you need more boots on the ground to help boost your campaign and connect with live voters in person, Reformation Strategies is here to help.


Wherever your campaign is, and whatever it is, we are standing by to collect signatures, register voters, or knock doors in your state.

Army Boots


Reformation Strategies is proud of our polling and has been featured in Breitbart.


One of the most important things that every campaign needs is to know exactly where they stand. Reformation Strategies is standing by to help get you the right advice today and fine out just where your campaign stands.


Reformation Strategies has been polling for over a decade on everything from local to national races. We'd love to help your campaign win by getting you the right advice and information in your hands today.


Did you know an estimated 96% of text messages get read? That is a considerably higher number compared to the average email open rate, which is often less than 25%.  


Reformation Strategies can help you connect with voters anywhere in the country with our peer to peer text platform. 


Peer to Peer Text Messaging allows you to market directly to potential consumers and have them interact with you in real time. Let them know about the latest sale, keep them up to date on your campaign, or engage them directly and ask them what they think.

Happy Friends
Beverage Mug and a Laptop


Just because you send an email doesn't ensure it gets read. There are a variety of factors that help improve your performance when it comes to marketing to voters.


Depending on your campaign, the things that affect your open rates can include time of day, subject line, number of send per week, and many other factors.


Reformation Strategies can help you manage and grow your email subscriber list and market to them in the most effective manner possible. Reformation Strategies is ready to help you connect with voters and raise campaign funds with our campaign email marketing.

Campaign Email
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